How fast? How cheap?.

This is an intentionally skewed graph.

Logmunch can easily process 1MB/s of logs, running on a $4.11/mo VPS. Full-text search queries resolve in fractions of a second. Operators are standing by.

I Need You To Know Exactly How Fast 1MB/s Of Log Processing Is

Logmunch is relentlessly optimized to shoot hot buttered logs onto disk at speeds heretofore considered illegal. That combined with the low-overhead of “simply hosting it yourself, like an adult”, will allow you to harness absolutely bananas-town savings!

This Graph Is, Of Course, Intentionally Misleading

Not just because “splunk ingest” sounds like a particularly risky click:

  • Splunk is priced at “we have a large sales team” levels, and paying per gigabyte of ingested data is one of their legacy models: pricing at $150/GB is apocryphal and presumably something that you would be negotiating with them.
  • This is “1 day” of log retention at Papertrail, but presumably Splunk’s exorbitant priing comes with significantly longer log retention? We must hope that this is the case.
  • You have to run Logmunch yourself. These other options are white-glove SaaS solutions, whereas Logmunch is more of a, uh - let’s say “latex glove” solution.
  • With the SaaS company, those prices come with some implicit support, whereas if you’re running Logmunch you’re on your own, baby.
  • I’m just listing how much Logmunch costs to run and leaving out the cost of the Logmunch license, which is absolutely misleading: the license to use Logmunch costs a little bit of money, too. See below, for details.
  • You probably don’t need 1TB/mo of log aggregation. If you do, you already know you do, y’know? That’s why Logmunch has to be competitive, not just with Papertrail at the high end, but also with Papertrail at the low-end: 1TB/mo of Logmunch still costs less than 1GB/mo at Papertrail.
  • I didn’t include Mezmo: at $10/mo for 10GB/mo they outperform Papertrail pretty handily at the low-end, but at 1TB/mo they are significantly more expensive than Papertrail, so it’s fair, I think, to think of the two companies as price comparable. Both are significantly more expensive than Logmunch. (Also: they have a free tier. Before you try it, though, let me warn you: it is unusably bad.)

Wait, How Much Does the Logmunch License Cost?

It’s totally free, for the first 36½ days.

What about after that?

Then, yeah, you have to buy a license.

That’s right, this isn’t FOSS! It’s been a scheme to drum up money the WHOLE TIME.

Logmunch: The Individual Developer / Small Team License

Perfect for teams of 1-5 developers, a lifetime, unlimited use Logmunch license for the low, low price of:


Logmunch: The Medium-Sized Company License

Ideal for teams of 5-200 developers, an endless, perpetual Logmunch license for the medium, medium price of:


Logmunch: The Even Larger Than That License

Consult our sales team at:

This is a real e-mail address. I will answer you. I mean, uh, my sales team will answer you.